Monday, January 26, 2009

Responses to Blog Postings (technical difficulties)

Okay - for some reason, I am not able to "comment on a post" or to go back into my entry to edit. Anyone else having this issue?

Anyhoo - regarding the five leadership tests - I took the first test (because it was short) and I tested as: A thoughtful assassination victim - Abe Lincoln! I took the 30 question test and I tested as an "experienced guide." This makes me think of the Indian in the movie about the Doors (with Val Kilmer)!!!!

Also, below is my comment on Francis' initial posting relating to leadership and his experience in the military:

Your comment on good leadership as well as bad hit home with me. When leadership is bad, is it really leadership? Unfortunately, it is. This made me consider the bad leaders we have seen throughout world history - Idi Amin, Adolf Hitler, Khaddafi, Stalin, and so on. I imagine these individuals started out as "good" in the eyes of many (a driving force that united people, instilled nationalism/pride) but eventually, these qualities melted away and increased power and corruption. These initially positive attributes became their tools that lead to repression, genocide and corruption. Power, especially absolute power, wielded alongside fear and terror are effective ways to control people.

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