Sunday, March 1, 2009

Week 6: Dead Poets Society

We watched bits and pieces of the Dead Poets Society in class and discussed how Keating, one of the main characters, was a transformational leader. Since we have already discussed Keating, I would like to take this time and talk about the other leader that I see in this movie. Keating is the main leader of the students, he is in a leadership poistion by being appointed the english teacher. I also believe that Neil Perry, a student of Keating's, is another major leader within the story. Perry is the leader of a group of students, whom happen to be the group of students that are most influenced by Keating. I believe Perry is the leader of the group due to the fact that he is the one that everyone goes to for study groups, he is the one that actively seeks out Mr. Keatings old annual, and is the one who wants to bring back the Dead Poets Society and encourages others to join him.

While watching the movie, I kept noticing how natural it came to Perry to be a leader. How he easily could encourage his peers to join his causes, others looked to him first, and how he naturally cared for his peers. Todd, his roommate and in his first year at Welton Academy, also notices how Perry by stating to Perry that he is a person who says things and people listen. While noticing that being a leader seemed to naturally come to Perry, I wondered if he would fit into the "great man" theory.

Neuroticism: Perry's strained relationship with his father plays into his Neuroticism and is also the reason for his committing suicide.

Extraversion: Perry is very sociable and is well known among his classmates, I would say he is one of the more popular kids in the school. He is able to see the positive and is encouraging of his schoolmates.

Opennes: Perry is curious about the Dead Poets Society, Keating is able to open up his creativness and gives him a space which he can express his creativity.

Agreeableness: Perry is trusting of his school mates and Keating, he nurtures Todd who is new and shy by taking him under his wing and accepting him

Conscientiousness: Perry is the student you know will be where he is suppose to be, teachers and classmates would be able to depend on him

According to the Traits Theory, Perry would be seen as a leader. He also has the major leadership traits which are: intelligence, self-confidence, determination, integrity, and sociabilty.

When Neil passes away, the question I had was who out of the group of students will emerge to be the next leader or even will there be another leader?


Nancy Conwell said...

Good approach regarding Perry as a leader. Keating must have seen that quality and was able to draw it out. It is a shame that Perry died - I wonder what impact that had on the other students in his group to reach down and lead in his absence, especially after Keating was kicked out.

KChristian said...

Sho, I found Perry's relationship with his father interesting. We have all been there! It appeared that his all his father cared about was his reputation, although deep down, I think he wanted the best for his son. How would we classify his father's leadership style? Dictator maybe? He went against his father's wishes, but yet when he spoke to Professor Keating, Keating said, tell your father just what you told me! And Perry's father allowed him to be in the play eventually. However, did you see his face when he saw his father at the end of the play? He knew his father was not happy. Perry was an excellent leader, he was attentive, he was inclusive, and he made sure to encourage others! Excellent reference.

sho roberts said...

Kevin, You brought up Perry's father and what type of leadership style he might be classified as. When I was watching the movie that is exactly one of the note's that I made! Because he is definiatly a leader in some ways, he is the leader of the family for example. I don't know how I would classify his leadership style, but I know that I would say he was a born leader! haa haa