Monday, March 2, 2009

Week 6-Elizabeth

The movie that I selected to watch for this week's blog was Elizabeth: The Golden Age. The movie focused on the Golden Age at the time of the Spanish invasion.
A transformational leadership focuses on the following aspects: empower the people, raise consciousness, create a vision, social architects, and building trust and fostering relationship.
I do remember learning about Queen Elizabeth many many years ago but based on the movie I would agree that she models the transformational leadership approach. Transformational leadership embodies a concern for the common good or followers. The Queen in her reign created a vision and a country were freedom existed and established laws protected the countrymen. The Queen on the verge of a Spanish attack went out to the battlefield and charged her troops to defend the land of England. She said that “We would meet the enemy face to face...together no invader will pass...they will not pass....and we will meet in the field of Victory. The Queen was somewhat of a social architect in this challenge to the soldiers-as she provided the troops with an idea for the future and an hope for victory.
The movie opened with a quote from the Queen, “The impossible is far more interesting.”To be this is the idea of raising consciousness or the ability to be different. To me the Queen in the movie showed that she would not conform to the norm or settle for a husband simply based on the fact that she did not have one.
Did the queen empower her people? Yes. I believe that the Queen led my example and those that followed her possessed qualities similar to her: dignified, strong, brave, and full of pride. In class we identified leaders who we thought we transformational leaders: Ghandi, Martin Luther King, Mother Theresa....well I think that Queen Elizabeth could be part of this crew.

Good movie! I would suggest renting it.

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