Sunday, March 22, 2009

Team Leadership

Working in team, in my opinion is one of the hardest things to do. The only team work I have been apart of is for school project and creating programs for the resident advisor position. Before the role play done in class I did not know there was clear roles for each person in a group. After the role play,not only do I understand the roles but the importance each role has in the group.
For example, if you did not have the critic then would be the person who question what was being done in the group; or the analysis who would make sure that whatever decision/suggestion being made will be supported by any group that supports the team. The examples showed the importance of different roles in a group. After thinking about the groups that I have been apart of I saw where people where the critic.
From the readings and the role play I saw that collaboration is key. Another thing that is important is for all group members to understand what the focus is in the group. Without people understand the goals of the group.
I think that the role play done in class helps prepare me in working in teams in a higher education setting. One thing this experience has taught me is that it is okay to speak your mind in a team setting. Without the "critic" the group would not function to the best of its ability. This experience will help me in my future roles in the higher education setting.

1 comment:

Nancy Conwell said...

Funny - I just blogged about a recent "team meeting" that was utterly miserable. I found myself going back to our class role playing exercise and trying to figure out where and when the negotiator, interpreter, emotional supporter, etc. would show up!