Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Team Leadership

As most people have stated, teams and team leadership can have both postive experiences/outcomes or negative ones. I think a large part of that also depends on who is on the team and what attitude they bring to the team. I have been on teams where nobody really knows what is going on, even the leader, and I step up as a "leader" to bring order and focus to the group. I also have been part of a team that has thrived due to the leader having order, knowing what our goal was, encouraging diverse thoughts and open communication.

I would lable myself a team leader kind of person....sometimes that's good and sometimes it kicks me in the butt! It mostly kicks me in the butt when I can't seem to motivate the team to do anything or have open communication, this usually occurs with students I work with. It is frustrating when you try hard to get people involved and still not a peep from everyone. The most recently team that I have lead, had one dominate person. This person would always share their opinions, thoughts, and made it uncomfortable for anyone else on the team to share theirs. This is when I would have to make leadership decision number 2: Should I intervene to meet task or relational needs? I did intervene by saying my thoughts and opinions and asking for the teams feedback, making it easier for them to feel comfortable to state their own. It is important to get team collaboration and team discussions because a team is not defined by one person and their input only. If I were to allow only one person to dominate the discussion, then what would the use of the team be?


Jessica said...

I think you raise a good point when you talked about the who in the group. If the people in the group do not know what is going on or even know the goals of the group, it is very hard to get the task completed.

Mrs. Agouda said...

So, Sho, you were able to model the behavior you wanted your team to display, then asked for their feedback. That's a great way to cut off a dominant group member without rudely telling them to shut up.

KChristian said...

Sho, you raise an excellent point. Mrs. Agounda, you raise and excellent point as well. I work with a very close leadership team, that really comes together when things are done at the last minute or when crisis management kicks in. It is all so very interesting how the team functions when faced with last minutes decisions that benefit the common objective.