Monday, April 6, 2009

Week 12: Job Shadow Experience

I did my job shadow at Lord Fairfax Community College (LFCC) with Sandi Pope, the Student Activities Advisor. I chose to shadow Sandi because I am unfamiliar with Community Colleges and the field of student activities at the community college level. I never knew that this position was available at community colleges and could be a career possibility in the future. Sandi invited me to an event she was holding on a Friday night, so I would be able to see what types of events she puts on, how well it is attendended by students, and the atmosphere in which Sandi works in. Going to the event was an excellent experience because it showed me how off my impressions of community colleges was. The event was a huge success with between 50-75 students in attendance as well as community members. I could barely find a place to sit, either it be on the floor or a chair!

A few days later I went back to LFCC to interview Sandi, on a day that is usually busy with students coming in and out of her office. The day I went was very quiet due to Chic-Fil-A opening up in town the next day and many of the students camping out in line. They even called Sandi to come and take a video of them in line! The fact that the students felt comfortable to call Sandi on her cell phone and ask her to come and hang out with them for a bit said a lot about the relationship she has with her students.

There were two topics that students visiting her office brought up that interested me. One is the fact that many students are joining the military or army in order to pay for college. One student just joined and will be leaving for boot camp this summer, he does not have a back up plan incase the military does not work out. The other topic was the number of students working more then one job as well as attending college full time. A student worked from 4 -9a.m. took class from 10-2, then some nights worked 4-8. Many students that Sandi works with have to have more then one job in order to pay for their education due. These are two issues that I have not largely encountered as being a student at a four year institution. It was eye opening to hear students talk about these issues openly with Sandi as well as in front of a stranger. I appreciated their honesty. I do believe that the struggles students at Community Colleges are at times different then students at 4 year insitutions. However I think that students attending 4 year institutions will begin to face the struggles of paying for their education as the economy crisis continues.

I enjoyed my job shadow experience and hope to continue job shadowing other members of student affairs.

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