Sunday, February 15, 2009

Week 4- Follow a Blog

The blog that I chose to follow is titled, Not your average admissions blog. A beneath the surface look at everything college admissions by Dean Flagel of our Mason's admissions department.

I chose to read the postings from Dean Flagel from this year. The topics that I read about were New update on tuiton and aid, In Memorian for Jack Blackburn, An amazing day to be in DC, Deadlines and what do they mean, Shameless Plug for Mason's ranking in 50 best valued school, and Happy New Year! Dean Flagel's blog is not limited to admissions information, he is also sharing stories on things happening on campus and ones relating to him personally.

If I were a student apply to Mason I think that this site would be very informative and useful-it makes me feel that Dean Flagel through the blog is connecting to the student on a more personal basis. During the first week of classes be discussed the trait and behavior theories and related them to higher education. The qualities that we listed were relational, credibility, competence, and guidance/direction. Dean Flagel has managed to embody these traits into his blog. In reading the blog I feel contected and informed about Mason. I feel the main objective of his blog his to provide additional guidance or direction for students applying to Mason and in reading his blog I feel that he is accomplishing his objective. The closing for the blog be seeing me this makes the information more personable or relational.

Here was are following a blog for this assignment and Dean Flagel shares his favorite blogs on the Jan 4 posting. Interested in reading more about admissons, higher education, politics.... check them out.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

I think that it was very interesting that you picked Dean Flagel's blog. Last week I interviewed him for my job shadow and his blog was a part of our discussion. He stated that two different companies are fighting for his blogs. On the phone conference that I listen to asked Dean Flagel if they can add the link to one of their college database page where high school go for information about different schools. All of the topics that you mention are important for college students to be aware of.

I think that this show Dean Flagel as a strong leader that shows the technical, human and conceptional skills in an equal and positive way.