Monday, February 9, 2009

Week 3- Inaugural Speech

Week 3-Critique of Inaugural Speech

I was fortunate enough to make the journey down to the mall on Inauguration Day to witness this historical moment with millions of other Americans. To witness this experience was captivating and the Inauguration Ceremony brought joy amongst those in attendance. To look back and review the speech it does provide you with more meaning and appreciation. I found the speech from and at the top of the speech it listed four main points to the speech:

1. The crisis we face are strong, but so is America.
2. We gather because we have chosen hope over fear, unity over conflict.

From the beginning of his speech, President Obama begins by addressing our current state of the nation and that our nation is in suffering difficult times. However, we are going fight this challenge because we are strong and stronger as a combined nation. President Obama states that we are going to face these challenges and confirms that these challenges will be met. The first two main points to the speech display examples relating effective leadership approaches of the skills approach as the speech address the problems are nation is currently facing but a promise of positive change was addressed in facing this problem.

3. Nation's past achievements show we can overcome problems.
4. Our spirit is stronger and cannot be broken.

We have toiled in sweatshops, plowed the hard earth, fought in Gettysburg, and Concord. The speech leaves you with a vision for the future, of rememberance of where we have traveled and the promise to secure the future for further generations. Problem solving and performance are key terms in defining the skills approach. The inaugural speech effectively defined the problem and somewhat challenged future performance outcomes for our nation.

President Obama's speech contains power messages to its readers and listeners that I believe effective leaders use; messages of prosperity, freedom, boldness, swift action, leadership, cooperation, understanding, hard work, and honesty.

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