Sunday, February 1, 2009

Week 2: 5 resources

I already talked about my first resource in my first blog but I will post it again.

1) It is a free management library that has many resources on leadership. Some of the topics are leadership vs. management, emerging trends, how do leaders lead, ect.

2) - This is from St. Cloud State University in MN. I don' t know if many of you will find it resourceful, but if you are interested in Student Affairs you might. It's their calendar of leadership workshops that they offer on campus. I think that it is a good idea and might be something I would like to implement in the future.

3) - LeadershipNow is a website that has blogs,articles, sells books, quotes and wallpapers on leadership. Its about building a community of leaders.

4) - this is from the Armstrong Atlantic University. It has different articles, books, websites on leadership.

5) - Academic Leadership The Online Journal. In the section Ideas worth merit they have articles on facilitating undergraduate success, what our students need ect. I like this site because it is academia based.

1 comment:

Nancy Conwell said...

Hey Sho - I liked your list and decided to focus on for our assignment.