Monday, February 2, 2009

5 Leadership Resources - Kevin Christian

The five resources that I have chosen directly relate to community college leadership and development:

1). The Institute for Community College Development - The Institute for Community College Development provides leadership programming and research support for community college CEOs, administrators, faculty and trustees nation-wide. Founded as a partnership between the State University of New York and Cornell University to address the critical issue of leadership succession, ICCD offers a comprehensive program assessing leadership ability at the personal and organizational level, and targeted educational opportunities that develop those skills.

2). MDRC - MDRC has embarked on a research agenda aimed at discovering how to dramatically increase the success of low-income young adults in school, the labor market, and life. Reflecting the importance of community colleges for low-income individuals, MDRC’s work to date focuses on initiatives that are designed to increase persistence and academic achievement among students at these institutions.

3). The League for Innvotation in the Community College - The League is an international organization dedicated to catalyzing the community college movement. We host conferences and institutes, develop Web resources, conduct research, produce publications, provide services, and lead projects and initiatives with our member colleges, corporate partners, and other agencies in our continuing efforts to make a positive difference for students and communities.

4). The Community College Resource Center - The Community College Research Center (CCRC) is the leading independent authority on the nation’s more than 1,200 two-year colleges. Since its inception, CCRC’s consortium of researchers has strategically assessed the problems and performances of community colleges. Their mission is to conduct research on the major issues affecting community colleges in the United States and to contribute to the development of practice and policy that expands access to higher education and promotes success for all students. CCRC’s extensive body of research provides a strong foundation on which to build new policies and initiatives to improve the outcomes of these institutions so integral to the higher education system, employment landscape, and national economy.

5). The Future Leaders Institute - Future Leaders Institute, or FLI, is an innovative five-day leadership seminar designed for mid-level community college administrators who are ready to move into a higher level of leadership. These individuals are currently in a position that is responsible for multiple employees, including faculty, administrators and/or staff and probably have titles such as Vice President, Dean, Associate Dean or Director.


Josh Yavelberg said...

These are some good resourses and things I will definately be looking into for our leadership interevention. Thanks a lot for the descriptions!

Francis X said...


Like the theme of community colleges. Very helpful.

Blanchard Research and Training India LLP said...

Thanks for share this informative post. This is very useful for all readers. leadership development